Back Injury
A back injury affecting the thoracic (middle) and/or lumbar (lower) spinal column is an extremely common type of work related injury. Almost all strains/sprains of this body part lead to permanent impairment, and many require surgical intervention at some point. Because of the severity and permanent nature of the this type of harm, the employee usually suffers from lost time from work, and depending on the workers occupation, may lose a significant future earning capacity. Those who experience back pain at work should report the pain to their employer immediately and demand that they be sent for treatment to receive x-rays. Should the pain persist beyond a month, it is prudent to seek counsel with an experienced Inland Empire workers compensation lawyer to be sure the claim is addressed appropriately by the workers compensation insurance company.
Cumulative Trauma Back Injury
When pain arises in the lower and middle spinal area at work, and no specific accident can be identified as the cause of the pain, it is possible that the pain is being caused by a repetitive work activity. Such activity that could be the culprit includes repetitive bending, squatting, kneeling, lifting, jumping, reaching, pulling and pushing. Even though there is not any one specific event such as a slip and fall or the lifting of one specific item that can be identified as the cause of the pain, workers compensation benefits might still be applicable. California workmans comp law recognizes the cumulative trauma mechanism of harm. Where a doctor finds that the harm is caused by repeated job duties, a viable claim could exist for an entire host of benefits from the carrier. However, know that the work comp adjuster will be attempting to deny this claim even in the face of medical evidence from your doctor or from the work comp clinic. Accordingly, do not hesitate to obtain help from an Inland Empire work injury attorney to fight for your rights in a court of law from day one. Many individuals do not know that pain is due to a lasting injury until it persists for several months, at which time they realize that something must be wrong. As soon as you feel something major might be affecting your body, you need to report it to your employer and call a work injury lawyer.
Specific Trauma Back Injury
Specific accidents such as the lifting of a heavy item, bending down to puck something up or falling down can cause an injury to the low or mid back. If an individual suddenly feels pain from a certain action while on the job and in the course of employment, it should be reported to the appropriate person at the company as soon as possible. Medical treatment should be demanded as well. Sadly, the clinic the worker ends up at will likely send them back to work with minimal restrictions after a quick examination. Do not be complacent in accepting what the doctor at the industrial clinic tells you! It is possible that they are there in order to minimize injuries and get people back on the job as fast as possible! Instead, call a lawyer in the Inland Empire serving Rancho Cucamonga, Fontana and Ontario for legal help and possible representation. Do not blindly accept what you are being offered. We know the law and know how to pursue your rights to make sure you are treated fairly. We may be able to help you like we have so many others!
What We Can Do To Help
Our workers compensation law practice is focused on helping individuals with back injuries obtain the benefits that they need to recover as best they can and receive the compensation that they are entitled to under California law. We offer a free phone consultation directly with a lawyer over the phone. When we think we can help, we invite the claimant into our office for a free, no obligation consultation with a lawyer who will explain the process and what we can do to help achieve certain goals and benchmarks. If you are hurt and are looking for answers and representation, do not delay in getting us on the phone.
When we are retained, our clients do not pay any fees or costs unless we recover compensation on our clients behalf. When fees are owed, they must be approved by a judge and generally cannot exceed 15% of any monetary recovery of the applicant. Because fees are not owed unless money is obtained, there is no worry about not being able to afford or to pay for our services.