Posts Tagged ‘Employment Law’

Employment Discrimination For Claiming Workers’ Comp

Introduction to Employment Discrimination For Claiming Workers’ Comp It’s a scenario no worker in California wants to face: an unexpected injury on the job, leading to a workers’ compensation claim, followed by subsequent discrimination. Unfortunately, this situation occurs more often than you might think. Understanding Workers’ Compensation Workers’ compensation is an insurance program that provides…

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Injured Workers’ Rights After Multiple Dates of Injury

Introduction to Injured Workers’ Rights After Multiple Dates of Injury Workplace injuries are an unfortunate reality for many workers. However, when multiple injuries occur on different dates, understanding one’s rights can become a complex task. This article sheds light on the rights of workers who’ve suffered multiple injuries over time and the relevant laws in…

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Workers’ Compensation Supplemental Job Displacement Voucher

Introduction to Workers’ Compensation Supplemental Job Displacement Voucher Work-related injuries can bring distressing life changes, especially when they affect one’s ability to work. Thankfully, there are support systems in place to assist affected workers. In California, one such support is the Workers’ Compensation Supplemental Job Displacement Voucher, a benefit providing vocational training to injured workers…

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The Post-Termination Defense in California Workers’ Compensation

Introduction to The Post-Termination Defense in California Workers’ Compensation Understanding the intricacies of workers’ compensation in California is vital for employees and employers alike. Among these complexities is the concept of post-termination defense—a somewhat controversial aspect that can significantly affect workers’ compensation cases. This article provides an in-depth look at post-termination defense under California law.…

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Why A Workers’ Compensation Claim Is Not A Lawsuit

Introduction to Why A Workers’ Compensation Claim Is Not A Lawsuit A common misconception amongst many employees who have been injured at work is the confusion between workers’ compensation and lawsuits. Both these processes share a common purpose: to assist injured employees financially. However, they differ fundamentally in their approach, procedures, and legal requirements. This…

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Reopening A Workers’ Compensation Claim Settled By Stipulation

Introduction to Reopening A Workers’ Compensation Claim Settled By Stipulation Workers’ compensation provides essential financial aid to those injured on the job, ensuring they receive medical care and income replacement. Sometimes, these claims are ‘settled by stipulation’, a term indicating both parties agreed on the claim’s resolution and terms. However, circumstances may arise requiring a…

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The Different Types Of Injuries You Can Claim Under Workers’ Compensation in California

Introduction to The Different Types Of Injuries You Can Claim Under Workers’ Compensation in California Understanding workers’ compensation can feel like navigating a labyrinth of laws and guidelines. However, it’s crucial for California’s hardworking labor force to be familiar with their rights in the event of a workplace injury. Workers’ compensation provides essential protection, acting…

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